ISSN 2785-0633

La rincorsa dell’UE al diritto ambientale: gli aiuti di Stato dell’energia

Carlo Alberto Ravazzolo Fascicolo 2/2021 26 Ottobre 2021

Sommario: 1. La giurisprudenza della CGUE in tema di aiuti di stato nel campo dell’energia (Caso C-594/18 P, Austria v Commission (Hinkley Point C) EU:C:2020:742). – 2. La rivoluzione dell’energia: il Green Deal europeo. – 3. Gli aiuti di Stato e il difficile equilibrio tra evoluzione normativa e sviluppo economico.


During the liberalization process of energy markets, the grant of public support by the State facilitated the advancement of cross-border trades. State aid rules was aimed at reaching results of public interest (such as security of supply) and which would be difficult to achieve in a liberalized market. The role of public support is expected to change in a context of open competition as envisaged by the third energy package, however, State aid is seen by the Commission as a useful tool for States to address market failures and deliver efficient results. Particularly because State aid is an important instrument for achieving the environmental objectives that would otherwise not be achieved by market forces on their own, as set out in Article 194 TFEU and in the Europe 2020 strategy.